Scientific Committee : |
Kym Anderson |
U. Adelaïde |
Orley Ashenfelter |
U. Princeton |
Jan Bentzen |
U. Aarhus |
Françoise Bourdon |
U. Bourgogne |
Maurizio Ciaschini |
U. Macerata |
Olivier Gergaud |
U. Reims |
Victor Ginsburgh |
U. Bruxelles |
Eric Giraud-Heraud |
Inra-ESR |
Ian MacAvinchey |
U. Aberdeen |
Jean Pailler |
ENITA Bordeaux |
Marie-Claude Pichery |
U. Bourgogne |
Robert. Plasman |
U. Bruxelles |
Attila Szabó |
Budapest |
Henri Serbat |
U. Paris2 |
Françoise Seyte |
U. Montpellier I |
Karl Storchmann |
U. Yale |
Michel Terraza |
U. Montpellier I |
Local Committee : |
Marie Claude Pichery |
U. Bourgogne |
Françoise Bourdon |
U. Bourgogne |
Pascal Durand |
J. Baptiste Traversac |
In partnership with:
Université de Bourgogne |
UFR de Science Economique et Gestion |
Laboratoire d'Economie et Gestion - LEG |
Etablissement National d'Enseignement Supérieur Agronomique de Dijon - ENESAD |
Bureau Interprofessionnel des Vins de Bourgogne - BIVB |
Coordination des Recherches sur Chardonnay et Pinot - CRECEP |
Institut Universitaire Jules Guyot de la Vigne et du Vin - IUVV |
INRA Dijon |
INRA Paris |
Maison des Sciences de l'Homme - MSH |
Topics :
A - Production
Process and costs of production,
Regional specificities,
Regional or national policies ;
Impact of Market Common Organization (M.C.O.) ;
Cooperation and international competition,
new vineyards.
B - Consumption and Marketing
Consumption patterns and consumer behaviour ;
Advertising ;
Information and media ;
Retail channels (off licences, liquor stores, wholesalers, restaurants, others outlets, and the role of supermarkets, ...);
Skills and knowledge of buyers.
Price formation: hedonistic approaches, auction prices, winegrape contracts and demand.
C - Societal and legal aspects
Regulation, labels, fiscal policies; health and security, medical aspects (social costs of alcoholism, medical use); legal aspects, alcohol on the workplace .
Wine and Tourism.
D - Vineyard and wine
New varieties, biological process, enological aspects, GMO, plant diseases; wine tasting.
Working Languages :
french and english