Our association brings together specialists from different disciplines who study questions regarding the vine and wine.
We are all interested in topics related to the vine and wine.
We also share the conviction that our research and experience can make a contribution worthy of interest for professionals in vine and wine, both in the production and development of the product and in consumption or marketing. This contribution also applies to the analysis and understanding of markets, perception and quality assessment.
Any proposal of communication in whatever discipline, is admissible and will be examined by the members of the scientific committee.
However communications must propose an approach validated by an objective analysis (and often quantitative) of data.
The latter can be quantitative but also qualitative or value-based.
Please find below, a call for papers structured by disciplinary focus; this organization should make it easier for you to find the topics of particular interest.
Come and join us; we are waiting for you.
Under the scientific patronage of
with the financial support of :