European Association
of Wine Economists
Society for Quantification
in Gastronomy
Database contains
Working Papers
en Fr    in En
Enometrics XXIV
BOLOGNA - IT : juin 7- 10, 2017
Chair of the Scientific Committee
  • PICHERY Marie-Claude
    Univ. of Burgundy - FR
  • OUTREVILLE Jean-François
    School of Wine and Spirits Business, ESC Dijon, FR
Scientific Committee
  • ALEBAKI Maria
    Aristotle Univ. of Thessaloniki
  • BARBER Nelson
    Univ. of New Hampshire - US
  • BEGALI Diego
    Univ. Verona - IT
    Univ. of Aarhus - DK
  • BROUARD Joëlle
    JB Conseils - FR
  • CHIRONI Stefania
    ESAF Univ. Di Palermo - IT
  • DEL'HOMME Bernard
    USC-GAIA Boredaux Science Agro
    Mendel Univ. in Brno - CZ
  • FRICK Bernd
    Univ. Paderborn - DE
  • GIL ROIG José María
    Technical Univ. of Catalonia - SP
    INRA - Paris - FR
  • GRIMAL Laurent
    University of Haut-Alsace, FR
  • HANF Jon H.
    University of Geisenheim, DE
  • LE FUR Eric
    INSEEC Bordeaux - FR
  • MENGHINI Silvio
    Univ. Firenze -IT
  • MONTAIGNE Etienne
    Montpellier SupAgro - FR
    UPF Barcelona SP
  • OMURA Makiko
    Meijigakuin Univ, Tokyo JP
  • POMARICI Eugenio
    Univ. Padoue - IT
  • SEABRA PINTO  Alexandra
    ISA Univ Lisboa - PT
  • SECCIA Antonio
    Univ. Foggia - IT
  • SERBAT  Henri
    EuAWE - FR
  • VINK Nick
    University of Stellenbosch - ZA
  • zzz .... 
    to be confirmed
    Local Committee
    • MALORGIO Giulio, Chair
      Univ. Bologna - IT
    • ADINOLFI Felice
      Univ. Bologna - IT
    • BIONDI Beatrice
      Univ. Bologna - IT
    • CAMANZI Luca
      Univ. Bologna - IT
    • KÖHR Christopher Karl
      Univ. Bologna - IT
    • MERLONI Eva
      Univ. Bologna - IT
    • SEGRE Andrea
      Univ. Bologna - IT
    • VANNINI Luigi
      Univ. Bologna - IT
    • VERSARI Andrea
      Univ. Bologna - IT
    • zzz .... 
      to be confirmed
    • FedEco-Service 
      Paris & Collioure - FR
    Click on the name for more information


    Bologna is the capital and largest city in Emilia-Romagna and has a rich history dating back to 10,000 BC. Today, Bologna is an important cultural centre, being declared European capital of culture in 2000. The city is also renowned for its culinary tradition and surrounded by an emerging wine sector. [For more information, please visit: ]

    The Alma Mater Studiorum University of Bologna is the oldest University in the Western world and a cornerstone of European culture []. It was the first place of study to use the term universitas, founded by students for students that came to define the institution, located in Bologna, Italy. As of 2013, the University’s crest carries this unique identiy in its motto Alma mater studiorum and the date A.D. 1088.

    The University has about 85,500 students in its 23 schools, spanning across research centres in Imola, Ravenna, Forlì, Cesena and Rimini as well as a branch in Buenos Aires. The university further incorporates a school of excellence named, Collegio Superiore di Bologna, and an associate publisher named Bononia University Press S.p.A (BUP). [To watch the visual presentation of the University:]

    The DISTAL, Department of Agricultural and Food Sciences, has emerged from a fusion of the Department of Agricultural Economics and Engineering, Department of Food Sciences and Department of Agro-Food Protection and Valorisation in 2012 and is based in Bologna and Cesena. The interdisciplinary competence makes DISTAL a hub in the Italian Agro-Food sector and an important project partner in scientific and industrial research at a European level. [Department website: ]

    Our association brings together specialists from various disciplines who study the issues of vine and wine. We are all united by the love for vine and wine, and interested in all topics related to viti- and viniculture.

    We also share the conviction that our research and results can be a constructive contribution of interest for professionals in vine and wine, both in production and product development as in consumption or marketing. This contribution also applies to the analysis and understanding of markets, perception and quality assessment.

    Any proposal of contribution regardless of the discipline is admissible and will be reviewed by the members of the scientific committee. However papers must propose an approach validated by an objective analysis of data, which can be quantitative but also qualitative or value-based.

    A proposal of a contribution may be made in the original language of the researcher; but presentation in English at the conference is required, with at least a summary and also the "Powerpoint"-presentation in English. The full text can be provided in the original language.

    This XXIV Conference will be organized under the patronage of
    the International Organisation of Vine and Wine(OIV) (tbc)

    Those organisations endorse our XXIV Conference:


    This XXIV Conference also benefits from the support of

    Acknowledgements: They announce our event, we want to THANK them

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    Conference Monkey COMS InfoWine (en) IAAE