European Association
of Wine Economists
Society for Quantification
in Gastronomy
Database contains
Vineyard Data
Quantification Society
"Economists at the service of Wine & Vine"
in En
Our conferences
2017 Bologna
2016 Colmar
2015 Brno
2014 Lyons
2013 Talca
2012 Coïmbra
2011 Angers
2010 Palermo
2009 Namur
2008 Collioure
2007 Trier
2006 Bordeaux
2005 Macerata
2004 Dijon
2003 Budapest
1998 Ajaccio
1996 Zaragoza
1994 Tours
1993 Verona
1991 Porrentruy
Other events
(with our participation)
  • 2016 Octobre
    International Scientific Seminar
    Orléans - FR
  • 2016 July
    International days of enlightened wine lovers
    St Hippolyte in Alsace - FR
  • 2016 April
    ClimWine Bordeaux - FR
  • 2013 July ASRDLF in Mons - BE
    Session 3 + 4 - Program
    Session 3
    Session 4
  • 2010 Sept. ASRDLF Aoste - IT
    Session 7
  • 2009 Nov. EJC-Isara Lyon - FR
  • 2009 June Viseu-Dão - PT

Join our association!

An International Association, Scientific and ... Friendly.

Your presence is welcome...

Advantages to be Member :

If you are a member, you reach new possibilities:

Participation in all conferences with a preferential prices
Share stimulative experiments and meetings with renowned specialists

Specific access on our Internet site allowing you
          to consult the scientific documents of the conferences,
          to know in advance the whole of our projects,
          to permanently deliver your opinion on our activities,
          to consult personal informations about members,

Participation in the organization of the conferences, the determination of the topics and the scientific orientations of the Association ...
Delivery of our biannual revue Enometrica ...

Modes of Registration :

Several possibilities of registration :

Several modes for payment 

Credit Card(1)
Bank Transfert (3)

    1 - On line, through our bank Le Credit Lyonnais or by formular send by email
- Order to Vdqs, send by postal mail to 53 rue Saint Denis 75001 Paris France
    3 - IBAN, to download here


Annual amount of membership fee:

70 €
280 €
>at least 1120 €


You are registered as Individual :

Choosing to adhere on a purely individual basis, you have the possibility of taking part in the whole of the conferences envisaged in the year but also of profiting from the whole of the advantages previously enumerated. We deliver a simple receipt for your payment..

You are registered as Professionnal :

Choosing to adhere on a professional basis (your institution, your service, your company) you will have the possibility to be its representant at the Association. Such an adhesion makes it possible for the adherent organization to register up to three other collaborators to the manifestations of the VDQS at the special membrer tariff. This contribution can be the subject of an invoice or a purchase order.

You become Partner :

When becoming a partner your institution (your service, your company) chooses to support and to be associated with the actions of the VDQS. On request, the name & the logo will be mentioned on the whole of documents diffused by the Association at the time of a conference (program, acts, works…). It is possible to register (with the tariff member) as many collaborators as wished to manifestations of the Association. The activities of the sponsor partner are presented on a stand during the time of a manifestation of the Association, if he wants it.


Civil Year: Membership is valid from January 1 to December 31, you will receive a proposal to renew your commitment at the beginning of December..

Academic Year: Membership is valid from September 1 to August 31, you will receive a proposal to renew your commitment at the beginning of July.

More than one Year: To facilitate the renewal of your adhesion, it is possible to subscribe for 4 consecutive years; the cost is 3 times the amount of the corresponding tariff. An individual member adhesion can, within this framework, be the subject of an invoice or a purchase order.

VDQS - 53, rue Saint Denis 75001 Paris - Tel. : +33 1 4221 1172 // + 33 953 888 232 - Fax : +33 958 888 232- Contact Legal notices