European Association
of Wine Economists
Society for Quantification
in Gastronomy
Database contains
Vineyard Data
Quantification Society
"Economists at the service of Wine & Vine"
in En
Our conferences
2017 Bologna
2016 Colmar
2015 Brno
2014 Lyons
2013 Talca
2012 Coïmbra
2011 Angers
2010 Palermo
2009 Namur
2008 Collioure
2007 Trier
2006 Bordeaux
2005 Macerata
2004 Dijon
2003 Budapest
1998 Ajaccio
1996 Zaragoza
1994 Tours
1993 Verona
1991 Porrentruy
Other events
(with our participation)
  • 2016 Octobre
    International Scientific Seminar
    Orléans - FR
  • 2016 July
    International days of enlightened wine lovers
    St Hippolyte in Alsace - FR
  • 2016 April
    ClimWine Bordeaux - FR
  • 2013 July ASRDLF in Mons - BE
    Session 3 + 4 - Program
    Session 3
    Session 4
  • 2010 Sept. ASRDLF Aoste - IT
    Session 7
  • 2009 Nov. EJC-Isara Lyon - FR
  • 2009 June Viseu-Dão - PT

Founded in 1991, VDQS, Association Loi 1901 aims to:

  • Promote the exchange of research in theoretical and applied enometrics
  • Promote relationships between its members
  • Encourage teaching and research
  • Establish contacts with individuals and groups who have similar interests

The association wishes to gather all the European specialists, and the world's best specialists about wine.

It is also the European Association of Wine Economists - EuAWE.
It is also Gastronometrica - "Society for Quantification in Gastronomy"- SQG .

Enometrics is defined as:
a broader definition of "œnométrie", which was originally (1838), a measurement of the alcohol content in wine; in his new wider meaning: a discipline devoted to measurement of activities and products linked to wines and alcoholic beverages.


Promote the exchange of research in theoretical and applied enometrics

Each year VDQS organise conferences with special and pertinent issues.

VDQS publish scientific books and a regular revue corresponding to a selection of the best contributions exposed during the conference

Promote relationships between its members

Conferences, round tables, ... are organised by VDQS with scientists highly interested by oenometrics.

Encourage teaching and research

From 1992 to 2007, the VDQS awarded during each conference the prize "of Verona Enometrics - Domini Veneti", to honor the best contributions to Enometrics. Since 2008 this prize has become the great prize of VDQS the "Samantha Smith Award". Other awards of local initiative, are awarded annually to the most distinguished speakers by a jury.

Establish contacts with individuals and groups who have similar interests

VDQS represents Economists and Econometricians...

Founder members

J.P. AURAY (Lyon), A. BAILLY (Genève), M.H. BLANC (Porrentruy), F. BOURDON (Dijon), A. BREGNARD (Délémont), G. DURU (Lyon), B. GUESNIER (Poitiers), G. HATCHIKIAN (Paris), Ch. LABROUSSE (Paris), B. et C. LEMAIRE (Montpellier), J.B. LESOURD (Marseille), D. MEULDERS (Bruxelles), J.H. PAELINCK (Rotterdam), M. PERIAT (Porrentruy), M.C. PICHERY (Dijon), R. PLASMAN (Bruxelles), H. SERBAT (Paris), J. WAELBROECK (Bruxelles)
Only founding members who have already paid their annual fees are in strong caracters

Past Chairmen

Antoine Bailly
Giuseppe Gaburro
Marie-Claude Pichery
Robert Plasman
Eric Giraud-Héraud
Maurizio Ciaschini
Henri J. Serbat
2010 - 2013


Executive Board

Since May 2015, we have a new executive board

Pavel Tomšik
Vice-President Elect
Nelson Barber
Non Elected Members: Past Chairmen
Henri J. Serbat
Maurizio Ciaschini
Elected Members:
Eric Giraud-Héraud

Sylvie Formánková (Gurská)
Michiko Kunisawa,
Marie-Claude Pichery,


Board Members

Jan Bentzen

Joëlle Brouard

Stéfania Chironi

Bernard Del'Homme

Imre Ferto
Laurent Grimal

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VDQS - 53, rue Saint Denis 75001 Paris - Tel. : +33 1 4221 1172 // + 33 953 888 232 - Fax : +33 958 888 232- Contact Legal notices